If you are a fan of GOCR or even not a fan but want to send in a pic, the email is on the bottom of the page.




Cherie is rather unimpressed but Beany loved the show!


Some random dudes seen armwrestling for a copy of the EP!


Listening to the GOCR drives even the most sober people to drink!



"Mr. President, we found some new tunes for the oval office!"





We've got the government and superheros behind us!!



Herbburner's older bros as they finally receive their copies!



Walk (hungover, pictured on the left) is still trying to get his family into the band!


Glenn takes out his frustration on the GOCR CD after Ravi wouldn't talk to him during Thorn in my Pride


Maria and Arnold repay Ravi the favor he demanded to end his blackmail threats.

DC does her best rock n' roll chick impression, still hiding her disbelief about the deck!

Double Rack Attack!!! Is there anything they can't do??


The one and only Uncle Salty. Yes, he is a fan!!


Don't you wish you were there??